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Discussion on: Building Expressive Monads in Javascript: Introduction

aestheticsdata profile image
joe cool

@rgeraldporter Are you using the Monad pattern in all your codebases on an everyday basis ? For instance, have you replaced all of your try/catch block with some Monads ?
I'm an experienced dev, but I've never used it, I'm trying to understand this pattern, and your article is a fresh air among a lot of not very practical explanations on the web.
With javascript, an app can easily crash with a null/undefined error, so I'm a bit surprised that the Monad pattern is not more widespread if it's really a safe wrapper.

artydev profile image
artydev • Edited

It is a radically another way of thinking, and changing minds is very very difficult.
It takes very long time to convince your colleagues in a team .
Once the brain is wired in some way, changing minds is like 'digging' and 'rewiring' new ways of thinking in this brain, and it can be a pain, especially if you have reached a certain age...(I am 61 years old :-))

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