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Discussion on: Who takes Internet Explorer still into account nowadays?

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Kyle Agronick • Edited

On a recent internal business app I got the go-ahead to drop IE. All users have Chrome and many have Edge or Firefox.

If the user is on IE we hide the login form and display a message saying your browser is outdated and will not work on this site. They have to click a button that says "Force Log In (Not Recommended)". After that they see a big ugly confirm() dialog telling them to use another browser. We tell them their browser can not run modern JavaScript and the site will not work properly. If they persist through two error messages we let them log in.

All the grid layouts break. All the CustomEvents break. classList.replace breaks. Event handlers with passive or once break. Babel doesn't polyfill these things by default and I don't care. My team is too small. Why should I spend my time coding around self imposed limitations when the users could just use another browser and have a much better experience?

The warnings work for most people but some people are just stubborn. I suppose they see the E and that is what the Internet is and they don't know any better. In the message we specifically ask if they don't have any other browser for them to contact us. So far no one has. I think as more of those people experience the site breaking in strange and mysterious ways they'll stop using IE. All error reporting is disabled on IE as well.

It is my belief that as a web developers we should stop wasting our time supporting an unmaintained browser. One that Microsoft says shouldn't be used and is nothing more than a compatibility tool. We are punishing the majority of our users shipping bloated transpiled and polyfilled code. If we stopped supporting IE the cost, time, and energy savings would be tremendous. We should just tell users to get rid of IE and give them a list of alternative browsers, the same way we did with IE6 many years ago.