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Discussion on: do you use linux, windows or macOs on your PC?

ahferroin7 profile image
Austin S. Hemmelgarn

Windows for gaming, Linux for pretty much everything else.

Reasons for using Windows for gaming should unfortunately be pretty obvious (namely, nobody wants to support Linux, even though they often are actually using Linux for much of their build and testing infrastructure). Main reasons for preferentially using Linux for almost everything else:

  • It lets me actually remap hotkeys however the hell I want. One of my biggest remaining gripes about Windows that isn't architectural is that they don't let you change global hotkey mappings (so, for example, you can't change Win+L to do anything but lock the desktop). macOS has had this functionality for years, and Linux and other UNIX-like platforms have had it for even longer than that, yet Microsoft thinks it makes more sense to keep adding increasingly complex global hotkey defaults than just let people remap them how they want.
  • I don't have to pay large sums of money on a regular basis to do development work on Linux (this is less of an issue now than it used to be on Windows since Microsoft made Visual Studio free for most non-commercial use).
  • I despise PowerShell. Put simply, I use the command-line a lot for day-to-day activities, and I absolutely cannot stand PowerShell for this usage for a wide variety of reasons (or the Windows console host for that matter, though that's going to be a non-issue in the near future). I could easily write a whole article on this (and might some day).
  • Linux is quite often more efficient than Windows. Put simply, Linux doesn't have anywhere near the volume of useless crap running in the background that Windows does, and what is there tends to be much better about resource efficiency.
  • Linux software isn't as likely to suffer from a complete lack of basic parallelism support as Windows software is. The classical UNIX process model lends itself much more readily to parallelization than the NT process model, and even some very old UNIX software does a rather good job of efficiently utilizing multiple CPU cores compared to even modern Windows software.
  • I significantly prefer POSIX VFS semantics to the amalgamation of historical compatibility hacks, odd edge cases, poor design choices, and performance issues that Windows calls a filesystem interface. I could easily write a whole article on this one too.
  • A pretty sizable percentage of the software I use on a daily basis was designed first for UNIX-like platforms, and Windows support got added more as a 'OK, enough users want this, we probably should implement it.' type thing, so support on Linux tends to be far better than on Windows.
  • Not having to deal with the insanity that is software management on Windows is nice (again, I could write a whole article on this).
farid_aditya profile image
Farid Aditya

thank you Austin S. Hemmelgarn
One of the reasons I tried linux is because on my Laptor Windows 10 feels very heavy, even though my laptor i7 + 8GB RAM but does not use SSD. then I installed ubuntu with dual boot with windows, I felt my laptop became very lightweight. The problem came after I did a job that was easy on windows but was very difficult on linux, for example I used to use Eclipse, wamp, github desktop, desktop docker. Maybe it was my mistake to get used to relying on Gui (even when I needed to build my database using mysqlWorkbench to create sql files), so when using the CLI I was a little confused and felt my work was slow.

ahferroin7 profile image
Austin S. Hemmelgarn

Yeah, the GUI versus CLI aspect tends to be a big one for people. Once you get used to the CLI though, you'll find it's often faster for a lot of things than the GUI (especially when it comes to software development).