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Discussion on: Set up My Computer with Me!

ahmadawais profile image
Ahmad Awais ⚡️

Let me reiterate that. When I said Terminal I said the shell environment that gets loaded via your Terminal app.

I use Zsh, so if you do as well then you can put this at the top of your .zshrc file

# Profiling ZSH performance.
zmodload zsh/zprof

and this at the very bottom of the same file.

# Profiling ZSH performance.

Now when you reload your shell — Zsh will profile it's startup time.

And you'll end up on issues with hundreds of other developers talking about how slow nvm is and all the suggested solutions are just super hacky.

So, it's not about the OS, it's nvm.

Peace! ✌️

Thread Thread
ctsstc profile image
Cody Swartz • Edited

I experimented with this a couple months back while I was doing a fresh install.

nvm will slow down zsh if you're using the nvm plugin, this is unfortunately true. . So will many other plugins if you let them run; you can bog down your shell real fast with plugins. You can also choose to still use nvm and drop zsh plugin support by modifying your .zshrc. Disabling the plugin will require you to manually set your node version upon changing directories though. So you will have to choose which convince you prefer. I still recommend using nvm though.