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Ajay Yadav
Ajay Yadav

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Zip Pdf Files And Download In Laravel

In this post we'll see how to create a zip file and download it in laravel.
Let's start
create a controller

php artisan make:controller InvoiceController
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Now open InvoiceController and create a method downloadZip()


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class InvoiceController extends Controller
    public function downloadZip()
        Storage::disk('local')->makeDirectory('tobedownload',$mode=0775); // zip store here
        $zip = new \ZipArchive();
        $zip->open($zip_file, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
        $path = storage_path('invoices'); // path to your pdf files
        $files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
        foreach ($files as $name => $file)
            // We're skipping all subfolders
            if (!$file->isDir()) {
                $filePath     = $file->getRealPath();
                // extracting filename with substr/strlen
                $relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($path) + 1);
                $zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath);
        $headers = array('Content-Type'=>'application/octet-stream',);
        $zip_new_name = "Invoice-".date("y-m-d-h-i-s").".zip";
        return response()->download($zip_file,$zip_new_name,$headers);

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Here we are using ZipArchive() class , you can read more about this on this link

Now create a route, open web.php

use App\Http\Controllers\InvoiceController;

Route::get('/invoice-download',[InvoiceController::class, 'downloadZip']);

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And that's all... 🤗

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Top comments (1)

jurajchovan profile image
Juraj Chovan

hi friend,
if I want download some file, then delete it, I can use command:

return response()->download($SomeFileName)->deleteFileAfterSend(true);
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but open question is:
if I want download some file, then delete it and then redirect Laravel application to some other page/route?
What is code for this case? Can you help me pls ...

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