DEV Community

Ajith Kumar P M
Ajith Kumar P M

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How to Add Pre/post-Commit Hooks to Your Node.js Project

As the project grows larger it's critical for the whole team to follow certain code quality and security standards. One way to ensure that is by using "git hooks".

Git hooks are scripts that run automatically every time a particular event occurs in a Git repository.

Numerous git hook managers are available for Node.js. Husky, pre-commit, and Lefthook are a few examples of such tools. We opted for Lefthook for this tutorial due to its capability to execute scripts concurrently and its simplicity.

So let's start!

Before each commit(pre-commit) we need to ensure the following.

  • No credentials leak: To ensure no secrets are accidentally exposed in the source.
  • No lint errors: The committed code does not contain any lint errors (eslint).
  • No formatting inconsistencies: The committed code should follow the organization's code formatting standards(prettier or pretty-quick).
  • No type errors: There shouldn't be any typescript errors.

And on each pre-push we need to ensure the following

  • No vulnerable packages: npm audit or pnpm audit --audit-level high
  • Standardized branch-names: we can usevalidate-branch-name

Apart from these we also need to enforce standards for all our commit messages(commit-lint).


install gitleaks in your machine gitleaks

add the following changes to your package.json

+      "gitleaks": "gitleaks detect -v"

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install and configure eslint with

npm init @eslint/config
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add the following changes to your package.json

+      "lint": "eslint --ignore-path .gitignore \"{src,tests}/**/*.+(ts|js|tsx)\"",

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+      "typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",

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Prettier for code formatting

npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier
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+      "format": "prettier --ignore-path .prettierignore --write \"**/*.+(js|ts|json|tsx|mdx)\" --log-level silent",

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Branch name validations

npm i validate-branch-name -D
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   "validate-branch-name": {
        "pattern": "^(feat|fix|hotfix|release|test|experimental)/.+$",
        "errorMsg": "Branch name validation failed"

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Commit lint for standardized commit messages

npm i @commitlint/cli -D
npm i @commitlint/config-conventional -D
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create the file commitlint.config.js at the root

module.exports = {
    extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'], // => @commitlint/config-conventional
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create the file .lefthook/commit-msg/commit

echo $(head -n1 $1) | npx commitlint --color
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Lefthook as githooks manager

// install lefthook
npm install lefthook --save-dev
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# create a lefthook.yml file in the root
  parallel: true
      glob: '*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}' # glob filter for list of files
      run: npm run lint
      run: npm run format 
      glob: '*.{js,ts, jsx, tsx}'
      run: npm run typecheck
      run: npm run gitleaks
  parallel: true
      run: npx validate-branch-name
      tags: frontend security
      run: npm audit
  parallel: true
      runner: bash
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+     "prepare": "lefthook install",
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Run lefthook install and try making your first commit.

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