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Discussion on: To Typescript Or Not To?

akashshyam profile image
Akash Shyam

lol 😂😂😂

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

over 5 years? It took like 20 years since JS's first release date 😂😂😂
But it has Objects before that if you want to code using OOP paradigm, we did it and I thing both you John and I can confirm that, it was not funny at all but hey! 😂

I'm not being a hater, I'm playing the devil role at this point to bring objectiveness, I've projects with both JS only and TS but this is not important for this discussion. The real question is what can TS bring that JS can't.

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jwp profile image
John Peters • Edited

I never called you a TypeScript hater, but they lurk in every place I've worked.

It took Javascript around 5 years after TypeScript was introduced to catch up.

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

hahaha I need to clarify just in case. John, you have more experience than me, the only thing that I can think of TS can bring is compile checks, (which is irrelevant on a non-compiled language btw) and the things it implies such putting the intellisense on steroids and things related to domain modeling and domain-driven design which can benefit of this strong typing -which you can get from any vanilla JS babel plugin obviously-

there's even runtime type checkers if you search on google

do you mind any thing that makes me thing that TS is a superset instead a subset? :DDDDD

and yes it took near 5 years after TS release date but we are now in 2021 not in 2012 nor in 2016, so we're discussing the current state