DEV Community

Discussion on: Web Scraping — Scrape data from your instagram page with Nodejs, Playwright and Firebase.

aleccc profile image
Aleccc • Edited

Worth noting that the documentation has alternatives to hard-coding the wait times (page.waitForTimeout). Some commands like fill and click have auto waits built-in. Or you can explicitly wait for an object to appear in the DOM.

// Playwright waits for #search element to be in the DOM
await page.fill('#search', 'query');
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
// Wait for #search to appear in the DOM.
await page.waitForSelector('#search', { state: 'attached' });
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

dnature profile image
Divine Hycenth

Hi Aleccc,

I've updated the article to use this approach as recommended in the docs. Thank you for pointing that out :)