DEV Community

Discussion on: My learning styles as a software developer with ADHD

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Alex Keeprock

Alright, I'd written a big list and it was gone after login. So, here we go again. For all you ADHD-ers out there, here is my list of tips that I use personally. It may not work for you but at least you'll have an example of what is working for other and figure out rest for yourself:

  • Don't be hard on yourself.
  • Figure out that works for you. Don't follow gurus or advices like mine. If you hate pomodoro's but your favourite blogger swears by it, ditch that guy advice and follow your own path. You'll have to be bold with that.
  • Use lists like this. Live by lists.
  • Use notebook system like Joplin or similar
  • No porn. No M. No O. Read This thing mess with dopamine and ADHD is all about dopamine. Gotta know oneself.
  • Exercise. Exercise hard. No more rest days. Your rest day is a light day. Other days are hard days. Lift heavy. Run fast. Do both types of training - conditioning and strength.
  • Run everyday.
  • Stretch everyday
  • Use watch to track time you spend doing something
  • I don't use Pomodoro cause I don't like restrictions on a way I work
  • Work with therapy. All the mental issues can impede your progress
  • Use SRS system like Anki. Or better, use Supermemo. I personally like Supermemo more because of Incremental Reading and tree like knowledge structure. It suits my learning style better.
  • Use todo-lists with repetition functionality and with unlimited sub-tasks (like OmniFocus)
  • Break down tasks to most simple tasks you can and finish big tasks by crossing off your small tasks.
  • Install break reminder apps
  • Use laptop to change location and work where it is better for you. Buying laptop helped me with that.

Here is my short-list (yeah, I can came up with a bunch more :) ) of tips that work for ME. Important note - you have to figure out what works for you. Everybody is different. Can't stress that enough.