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Alex Gwartney
Alex Gwartney

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What do you guys think about Microsoft buying GitHub?

So I went on to twitter today. To see that Microsoft is obtaining GitHub.
Now out of curiosity what do you guys think of this? I personally have mixed opinions on the idea. As we have all scene what happened to Skype when they got acquired. And I would really hate to see GitHub go that route. I do feel like there more than likely wont be any changes as GitHub is huge resource for open source.Although if it does go south I feel like there are other options out there. Such as Git-Lab and Bit Bucket. I think only time will tell what will happen.I just hope they keep the service the way it is and do not fix what is not broken.

Top comments (4)

javascripterika profile image
JavaScriptErika ā€¢

It's cool - Microsoft has produced some awesome stuff such as VSCode that I just love. Time will tell - and really for me, it doesn't change much, I'll continue to use it. Microsoft acquiring Github could really be a right step in the direction for a major corporation to invest in an open source hub and tool. I use Bitbucket for private repos - and I haven't tried out Gitlab yet.

alexgwartney profile image
Alex Gwartney ā€¢

Never really thought of using Bitbucket for private repos. All though I can just sign up for the student package and get free private repos. Also I just hope Microsoft does not change the way github works. As far as keeping things free ect. I personally wont leave for gitlab. As I just see that as a waste of energy. Unless I absolutely need to. Especially since I have my environments already set up for every thing.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her) ā€¢
alexgwartney profile image
Alex Gwartney ā€¢

Thanks for posting that. I actually saw that post right after I posted this one.