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Discussion on: Progressing from a beginner to intermediate developer

amn3s1a2018 profile image

jQuery or not jQuery, that's the question! It's on second floor in ur pyramid, and you say we should avoid it. I think if someone never used jQuery (or lodash), it's better to learn ES6/7 (or TypeScript) instead, new stuff in JS are cool, but there are still missing pieces, small things which libraries do better, so if they are already in your toolbox, don't throw them away.

charliejoel profile image
Charlie Joel

jQuery absolutely has its uses - however, it's only sugarcoating base JavaScript. That's why I think it's more important to focus on the basics first, but there's nothing wrong with using it if the situation calls for it.

micahlt profile image
Micah Lindley

But there's no reason to load all of jQuery anymore if you can just use ES6 JavaScript or Typescript. Using $('#el') is just a sugarcoating of document.querySelector, so really jQuery just adds bloat to a site unless you're using plugins.

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charliejoel profile image
Charlie Joel

That's a good point and I agree with you. It can still be useful to know as you may get dropped into a project that uses jQuery and you need to be able to work with it.
That said, jQuery seems to have been phased out a lot in general recently.

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micahlt profile image
Micah Lindley

That's very true - and jQuery is also (unfortunately) still used as a base for Wordpress sites which run more than half the Internet. As ES6 gets even closer to 99% browser support globally, I'm hoping that we'll see the complete eradication of jQuery.

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