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Discussion on: What tech-stack do you use for your portfolio?

amt8u profile image

By production ready, I meant covering all aspects like responsiveness, cache management, browser compatibility, mobile friendly, seo optimized etc. And also it should go with your blog if you have one.

I totally agree with you on points like pagespeed, loadtime, uniqueness etc. Without a framework it will always be better. And of course your portfolio will be similar looking to thousands of existing ones if you use a framework.

And yes Static pages is how the web is intended to work.

My concern is more about time. As evident by your post, there are 15 steps you need to cover before being ready with a good site. Btw haven't read it completely but looks to be a good article. You almost covered complete web dev life cycle in one tutorial.

For some people, portfolio is the only way to showcase their skills like designers, freelance developers etc, for some its just a place to experiment, some might only have one as it is required to be there because of the culture. Some might have a blog and would want just a portfolio as a complimentary page which goes with the blog's design.

For me its a place to experiment and learn. I tried creating a basic static site many times, but it always comes out with bad design. Maybe because I don't have the designer skills required. And then its about the efforts/time you spend. not everybody has enough time for it. Not that its not doable but its about the effort that you need to put in.

On the point of using a library in general, I think it depends on the use case. If you are not using any, and creating views from scratch, ultimately you will end up creating a small library of your own. To save you from that time spent, you use libraries like jQuery, bootstrap. They have their own place. And with time, libraries also evolve, some might not be required anymore (like you mentioned about bootstrap). For example you can almost replace most of lodash functions with JS native functions.

I already have the blog, but for the portfolio page I would definitely try to avoid any libraries. Lets see if this time I make it work:-P

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

hahaha Good luck! the more you learn the less it costs.

By the way all the steps I covered are meant to be on any project, doesn't matter if you use a framework or not (you'll need to learn that framework first moreover), in fact I cover framework usage on the post, while I explain I used my own mini-framework that uses FlexBox for the "grid system" and css-only components for adding interactivity. On this point you can use whatever you like but before using a framework or lib, search first for alternatives. If you gonna use bootstrap, may be better to use Mustard UI instead, which is much less heavy weight and covers all habitual needs for a project around that dimensions (for example).

Apart from that cache is not job of a front-end framework and you can write some rules (server level) for the resources and getting it rid on 2minutes without issues with some rules. Browser compatibility is something you need experience to handle properly but here's an advice: Safari is the new Internet Explorer. It means if you code for safari, it will work well (better) on all other browsers without exception.
You don't need a mac for that, only check what you are insecure to on caniuse site and check compatibility.

Also note that mobile friendly and SEO optimizations are things that UI frameworks doesn't work with. In fact a weight point on that two are the overall site weight and load times, which using a framework (let's say about 1Mb with 400 classes of which you only use 50) is the reverse that what you want to get.
About responsiveness... it's something easy to internalize, just try it for a week :)

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amt8u profile image

A nice quote - the more you learn, the less it costs and certainly valid too. Hope you won't mind if I use it in my bio:-D

Will checkout MustardUI. Never used it before.

My point of view was mostly around frameworks for the end to end work, not just UI. And it seems your points are mostly concerned about the UI frameworks. I get your point now.