DEV Community

Discussion on: Fast way to build CRUD app?

andreybleme profile image
Lucas Bleme

As already said here: Ruby has lot of hidden tricks and magic.


Given your experience with Java (Spring MVC), I strongly recommend you to take a loot at Grails (

It is a high productive full-stack framework built on top of Spring. It uses the Groovy language (similar to Java, but without the pain).

Grails has a great scaffold tool to generate CRUDs from Domain classes. Since Grails is interoperable with existing Java code and Groovy run inside the JVM, it might be an interesting tool for you to know! :)

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Hi Lucas. Thanks for the tipp. I experimented with Grails a few years ago. Maybe it's time to have another look...

andreybleme profile image
Lucas Bleme

Yes Bertil, they improved too much the framework since the last 3~4 years.

Given your Java experience the learning curve might be flat.