DEV Community

Discussion on: What is your checklist for making sure your app is accessible?

angeliquejw profile image

In addition to some of the great suggestions already shared, it's worth reiterating that automated tools only take you so far.

Things I try to consider before developing a feature and then again while testing it:

  • Are there error messages or other page updates that need to be communicated to screen reader users via a live region or other method? (See:

  • Do page interactions (e.g.., opening a hamburger menu, expanding an accordion) include the appropriate ARIA attributes and updates?

  • Are a anchor elements and button elements used appropriately? Are there places in the markup where divs or spans can be replaced with more meaningful HTML?

  • Have any heading levels been skipped (e.g., the page has an h2 and an h4 but no h3)?

  • Are there any autoplay elements (e.g., animation, video) on the page that need pause/play controls to be added?

  • Are clickable elements (especially buttons) a reasonable size for all users and situations?

There are obviously more considerations, but these are the things I consistently think of when looking at comps and in code review.