DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm the founder & CEO of Codeship, ask me anything!

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

As a primarily technical company, what's the relative size of the departments in Codeship? How did you decide who you needed to hire, and what roles you needed? I work for an educational tech company, and I'm always interested in the ratio of developers to designers to finance/accounting/HR/etc folks.

moritzplassnig profile image
Moritz Plassnig • Edited

I happened somehow organically. In the beginning, we were focused a lot on product and how to build out Codeship to help our customers best. Once we felt we got something enough people were paying for and recommending, we became more focused on Marketing. Because more and more developers started using us, we decided to hire dedicated Support Engineers instead of letting everybody do support.

And so on. So TL;DR: We felt a need, talked, prioritized and then hired if we had the $.

The ratio is probably 2/3 design/product/tech, 1/3 marketing/sales.

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

Cool! I find this stuff interesting, especially as someone who's only been in tech a few years. Thanks for your answer :)

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moritzplassnig profile image
Moritz Plassnig

Happy to help. If you have more questions, just ping me on Twitter: @moritzplassnig