DEV Community

Discussion on: What's the kindest thing someone's ever done for you during your career?

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Anna Wijetunga

Shows up late to the party BUT this is such a beautiful question! I've loved reading what everyone already wrote, such kindness.

For me, I'd been at a job for over a year, and the daily commute added up to 3 hours. It took a harsh toll on me and my family, so I let my manager know I needed to quit to find local work.

The next morning, my manager pulled me aside and offered me my same job - but WFH full time.

That was a kindness I won't forget. No one else in the company had this luxury, but my manager trusted me to do the work, she understood why it was important for me to see my family more, and she made an exception for me. That kindness made me even more dedicated to the people and the company, and it's a gesture that will stay with me for a long time.