DEV Community

Discussion on: The Anatomy Of My Ideal React Component

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Antonin J. (they/them) • Edited

If you’re up for it, I’d love a code review! How would you do things? What do you see as messy code?

A couple of reasons for TW + styled components —

Tailwind doesn’t handle 100% of situations. Having both gives us more flexibility. Having them interoperate feels cleaner to me on top of it. You can also used styled components to conditionally generate scoped tailwind

And then Personal preference but I prefer to not have classNames and naked HTML in my components unless they’re specifically in like a shared UI library. I find it so much nicer to write <StyledContainer> than <div className="w-full"> in general.

Like I said at the top of the article, this is what works for me and vibes with me 🙂

I’d love to hear why not both, tbh! I was so excited to find Twin and follow this pattern!