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Discussion on: Do you have fond memories of old codebases you no longer work on?

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Antonin J. (they/them) • Edited

OH ABSOLUTELY! There were numerous codebases that I loved perusing and working inside. I'll briefly list them and tell you why. I know it sounds strange but I'd like to see how they are doing today and who is maintaining them.

  1. A dashboard - I spent an entire job working on a dashboard. I built it with Laravel 3 and Knockout. It was a horrible mess of an app but boy, I looked forward to working in it every single day.
  2. The symfony app - probably the only "legacy" app that I've worked on. If it's still alive (and I'm pretty sure it is), it's been around for nearly a decade. The app was as enterprise as you can get. The "best" thing about it were all the very complicated queries that it built. You could also just peruse the codebase for days without hitting the same file twice. It was like a maze, or a city of code.
  3. current old "apps" - or rather older sections of the product I'm working on. Some of it is a miss, some of it is pure gold. I love seeing the code I used to write. Sometimes it's good (MANY times it's bad) but there's a certain nostalgia I get when I'm working with my older code and a certain pride when that code makes sense several years later!

#3 is huge. At my job, we're constantly improving but we can't let any part of our application lag. Or if we do, we get stern reminder from our users (via bug and performance issues) that we need to fix that. So I'm used to seeing and rewriting my own code almost constantly.

EDIT I should mention that none of this means that I think the old code was fantastic or great. But having rewritten a ton of older code, it doesn't intimidate me or make me feel ashamed. Slap a few tests on it, split it up in a bunch of smaller functions and in no time, you have code that suddenly makes way more sense and is totally doable!