DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm building my first CMS website

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João Franco

The front end will be all custom, I just looking for some help on the cms part so I don't have to write everything from scratch nor waste valuable time on things, although important, that don't bring value to the business perspective. I've read wp is not as fast as is use to be, and that's a concern to me.

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Tiago Rinaldi

If you're concerned about performance and bloating the UI, WordPress is very customizable.

The bad reputation is due a lot of "drag and drop" plugins. If you want a custom UI, you can use a simple them (Underscore) which relies on the WordPress way of 'programming'. If you don't like PHP, you can use React, VueJS and more.

The CMS part will be the least of your concerns, believe me, and I don't really care for WP/PHP.

I've read wp is not as fast as is use to be, and that's a concern to me.

Since PHP 7 the performance has been increase even more. If you know how to configure your backend, then you'll be fine.

Anyway, if you want a CMS out of the box, that's really the point of WP.

Bottom line, it won't matter what you use, you gotta keep things streamlined.