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Brandon Roberts for Appwrite

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Building a Realtime Chat Application Using Angular and Appwrite 🤓

Appwrite is an open-source backend-as-a-service that provides developers with a core set of functionality needed to build any application with any stack. From database interactions to authentication, real-time updates, and more.

When building web applications with Angular, it's common practice to connect to different APIs to manage data, authenticate users, and possibly listen to live updates to data. The APIs to connect to these different services could be done through multiple providers. With Appwrite, you can do all of these things using a single backend. This post shows you how to get up and running with Appwrite, authenticate users, manage data, and listen to realtime events using a chat application.


To get started with Appwrite, you need to have Docker installed on your local machine or server. After you have Docker running, use the following command to install and run Appwrite.

docker run -it --rm \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
    --entrypoint="install" \
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Also check out the complete installation guide for more information about the process. If everything went smoothly, you can visit the Appwrite Console and register your root account.

Next, let’s set up the first project.

Creating a Project

You can host many different applications in Appwrite using projects. To create a project:

  • Click on Create Project
  • Click on the pencil icon and enter ngchat as the custom Project ID
  • Enter Angular Chat as the name
  • Click Create

Next, let's setup the database and collection for the chat application.

Creating a Database and Collection

A database in Appwrite is group of collections for managing data. To create a database, visit the Database section:

  • Click on Create Database
  • Enter chat as the custom Database ID
  • Enter Chat as the name
  • Click Create

For the collection:

  • Click on Create Collection
  • Enter messages as the custom Collection ID
  • Enter Chat Messages as the name
  • Click Create

We also want to configure permissions for the collection for read/write access. For messages, you’ll choose Document Level permissions. You can choose more granular permissions depending on your use case. The permissions page has more details on permissions so the user keeps ownership of their message.

Creating Collection Attributes

Each collection in an Appwrite database consists of attributes that model the structure for the document you want to store. For the chat application, you’ll store the user’s name and message.

Creating Document Attributes

Attributes can be defined as strings, numbers, emails, and more. To create an attribute:

  • Click on Create Attribute.
  • Select the type of Attribute to create.

Use the table below to create the necessary attributes for chat.

key size required array
user 32 true false
message 10000 true false

When a document is created in the collection, it also has extra metadata for the when the document is created and updated, named $createdAt and $updatedAt respectively. You can use this metadata for querying, syncing, and other use cases.

You can do other things like toggle services, choose which OAuth provider to use and more, but for this chat application, anonymous authentication is used, which is also enabled by default.

Next, let’s put the Angular application together.

Building with Angular

To start, clone an existing repository already running Angular version 14 with a couple of routes setup for login and chat. Use the command below to clone the GitHub repository.

git clone
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Install the dependencies:

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And start the application to get the development server running

yarn start
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Navigate to http://localhost:4200 in the browser to view the login page.

Setting up the Appwrite Config

To configure Appwrite in our Angular project, configure some environment variables first for the Appwrite endpoint, project, and collection values.

Update the src/environments/environment.ts

export const environment = {
 endpoint: 'http://localhost/v1',
 projectId: 'ngchat',
 databaseId: 'chat',
 chatCollectionId: 'messages',
 production: false
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After the environment variables are set, move on to setting up the Appwrite Web SDK.

To initialize the Appwrite Web SDK, use the appwrite package installed earlier, along with setting up some Injection Tokens in Angular to be able to inject the SDK into services created later.

Let’s create 2 tokens, one for the Appwrite Environment variables, and one for the SDK instance itself.

Create a new file named src/appwrite.ts and configure the 2 tokens as root providers.

import { inject, InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
import {
  Client as Appwrite,
} from 'appwrite';
import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment';

interface AppwriteConfig {
  endpoint: string;
  projectId: string;
  databaseId: string;
  chatCollectionId: string;

export const AppwriteEnvironment = new InjectionToken<AppwriteConfig>(
  'Appwrite Config',
    providedIn: 'root',
    factory() {
      const { endpoint, projectId, databaseId, chatCollectionId } = environment;
      return {
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The first token sets up the environment variables so they can be injected to one or more services.

export const AppwriteApi = new InjectionToken<{
  database: Databases;
  account: Account;
}>('Appwrite SDK', {
  providedIn: 'root',
  factory() {
    const env = inject(AppwriteEnvironment);
    const appwrite = new Appwrite();

    const database = new Databases(appwrite, env.databaseId);
    const account = new Account(appwrite);

    return { database, account };
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The second token creates an instance of the Appwrite Web SDK, sets the endpoint to point to the running Appwrite instance, and the project ID configured earlier.

After the Appwrite SDK is setup, let’s create some services for authentication and accessing chat messages.

First, let’s create an src/auth.service.ts that allows you to login, check auth status, and logout

import { inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { Models } from 'appwrite';
import {
} from 'rxjs';
import { AppwriteApi } from './appwrite';

 providedIn: 'root',
export class AuthService {
 private appwriteAPI = inject(AppwriteApi);
 private _user = new BehaviorSubject<Models.User<Models.Preferences> | null>(
 readonly user$ = this._user.asObservable();

 constructor(private router: Router) {}

 login(name: string) {
   const authReq = this.appwriteAPI.account.createAnonymousSession();

   return from(authReq).pipe(
     mergeMap(() => this.appwriteAPI.account.updateName(name)),
     concatMap(() => this.appwriteAPI.account.get()),
     tap((user) =>

 async isLoggedIn() {
   try {
     const user = await this.appwriteAPI.account.get();;
     return true;
   } catch (e) {
     return false;

 async logout() {
   try {
     await this.appwriteAPI.account.deleteSession('current');
   } catch (e) {
   } finally {
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The AuthService injects the Appwrite SDK to:

  • Authenticate the user with the login method, update the name, and store the current user in an observable.
  • Checks to see if the user is logged in and returns a boolean
  • Logs the user out by clearing the current session

With the Appwrite SDK, all of this is done without using Angular’s HttpClient service. You can always access Appwrite’s REST APIs directly, but it's not required as the SDK handles this for you.

Next, let’s create the src/chat.service.ts to load and send chat messages.

import { inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Models, RealtimeResponseEvent } from 'appwrite';
import { BehaviorSubject, take, concatMap, filter } from 'rxjs';

import { AppwriteApi, AppwriteEnvironment } from './appwrite';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';

export type Message = Models.Document & {
  user: string;
  message: string;

  providedIn: 'root',
export class ChatService {
  private appwriteAPI = inject(AppwriteApi);
  private appwriteEnvironment = inject(AppwriteEnvironment);

  private _messages$ = new BehaviorSubject<Message[]>([]);
  readonly messages$ = this._messages$.asObservable();

  constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}

  loadMessages() {
      .then((response) => {

  sendMessage(message: string) {
    return this.authService.user$.pipe(
      filter((user) => !!user),
      concatMap((user) => {
        const data = {
          user: user!.name,

        return this.appwriteAPI.database.createDocument(this.appwriteEnvironment.chatCollectionId,
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The ChatService:

  • Injects the Appwrite Environment variables
  • Sets up an observable of chat messages
  • Uses the Appwrite SDK to load chat messages from the messages collection
  • Gets the currently logged in user to add chat messages to the messages collection.
  • Assigns permissions to the document so anyone can read, but only the specific user can update/delete.

With the services set up, we can move on to the components for login and chat.

Building the Login page

Login Page Image

For the login component, use the AuthService to login using anonymous authentication with the provided name.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/forms';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { tap } from 'rxjs';

import { AuthService } from './auth.service';

 selector: 'app-login',
 standalone: true,
 imports: [ReactiveFormsModule],
 template: `
   <div class="app-container">
     <div class="content">
       <span class="appwrite-chat">Angular Chat</span>

       <div class="login-container">
         <form [formGroup]="form" class="login-form" (ngSubmit)="login()">
           <p class="login-name">
             <label for="name">Name</label>

               placeholder="Enter Name"

           <button type="submit">Start Chatting</button>
export class LoginComponent {
 form = new FormGroup({
   name: new FormControl('', { nonNullable: true }),

   private authService: AuthService,
   private router: Router
 ) {}

 login() {
   const name =;

       tap(() => {
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After the authentication is successful, we redirect to the chat page.

Displaying Chat Messages

Chat Page

With the Chat component, start with displaying chat messages using the ChatService:

​​import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/forms';
import { tap } from 'rxjs';

import { ChatService } from './chat.service';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';

 selector: 'app-chat',
 standalone: true,
 imports: [CommonModule, ReactiveFormsModule],
 template: `
   <div class="chat-container" *ngIf="user$ | async as vm; else loading">
     <div class="chat-header">
       <div class="title">Let's Chat</div>
       <div class="leave" (click)="logout()">Leave Room</div>

     <div class="chat-body">
         id="{{ message.$id }}"
         *ngFor="let message of messages$ | async"
         <span class="name">{{ message.user }}:</span>
         {{ message.message }}

     <div class="chat-message">
       <form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="sendMessage()">
           placeholder="Type a message..."
         <button type="submit" class="send-message">
             viewBox="0 0 24 24"
               d="M13.0737 3.06325C12.8704 2.65671 12.4549 2.3999 12.0004 2.3999C11.5459 2.3999 11.1304 2.65671 10.9271 3.06325L2.52709 19.8632C2.31427 20.2889 2.37308 20.8001 2.67699 21.1663C2.98091 21.5325 3.4725 21.6845 3.93007 21.5537L9.93006 19.8395C10.4452 19.6923 10.8004 19.2214 10.8004 18.6856V13.1999C10.8004 12.5372 11.3376 11.9999 12.0004 11.9999C12.6631 11.9999 13.2004 12.5372 13.2004 13.1999V18.6856C13.2004 19.2214 13.5556 19.6923 14.0707 19.8394L20.0707 21.5537C20.5283 21.6845 21.0199 21.5325 21.3238 21.1663C21.6277 20.8001 21.6865 20.2889 21.4737 19.8632L13.0737 3.06325Z"

   <ng-template #loading>Loading...</ng-template>
 styles: [...]
export class ChatComponent implements OnInit {
 form = new FormGroup({
   message: new FormControl('', { nonNullable: true }),
 user$ = this.authService.user$;
 messages$ = this.chatService.messages$;

   private authService: AuthService,
   private chatService: ChatService
 ) {}

 ngOnInit() {

 sendMessage() {
   const message = this.form.controls.message.value;

       tap(() => {

 async logout() {
   await this.authService.logout();
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The ChatComponent makes use of the AuthService and ChatService to:

  • Use the current logged in user
  • Listen to the observable of chat messages
  • Load the chat messages in the ngOnInit of the component
  • Use the input field to send the message using the ChatService
  • Logout from the chat page

We’re able to load chat messages, but let’s add the interesting part and integrate some realtime chat messages.

Connecting to Realtime Events

Appwrite provides realtime updates from practically every event that happens in the Appwrite system, such as database records being inserted, updated or deleted. These events are provided through a WebSocket. To subscribe to realtime, update the ChatService with a listenToMessages method to subscribe to events from the messages collection.

export class ChatService {

 listenToMessages() {
   return this.appwriteAPI.database.client.subscribe(
     (res: RealtimeResponseEvent<Message>) => {
       if ('*.create')) {
         const messages: Message[] = [...this._messages$.value, res.payload];

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Whenever a new message is created, the new message is pushed into the observable of users so we have realtime updates wired up. To start listening to realtime events:

  • Update the ngOnInit of the ChatComponent to call the method.
  • Store the live connection for unsubscribing
  • Destroy the live connection when the component is destroyed
export class ChatComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
 messageunSubscribe!: () => void;
 form = new FormGroup({
   message: new FormControl('', { nonNullable: true }),
 user$ = this.authService.user$;
 messages$ = this.chatService.messages$;

   private authService: AuthService,
   private chatService: ChatService
 ) {}

 ngOnInit() {
   this.messageunSubscribe = this.chatService.listenToMessages();

 ngOnDestroy() {
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And that’s it! We now have a functioning Angular application with:

  • Authentication
  • Database management
  • Realtime events

There’s more we could do here, but as you can see, you can build just about anything with the core functionality already taken care of. And cloud functions help you extend the functionality of Appwrite even further.

To view the working example:

GitHub Repo:

Learn More

🚀 Getting Started Tutorial
🚀 Appwrite GitHub
📜 Appwrite Docs
💬 Discord Community

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Top comments (1)

mamjerez profile image
Miguel Angel Martinez Martinez

Excelent example.
Please, can you tell us a valid user for the demo?

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