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Discussion on: How To Destroy A Company

ardennl profile image
Arden de Raaij • Edited

I fail to see how this destroys companies though. People, and especially tech-lovers enjoy complaining a lot but afaik it rarely results into any real action or boycott. So the complaints are pretty hollow on most part.

And from the other side, companies don't have any love for you!

They've got shareholders to think of, and it's expected that they make more revenue every single year so they're always on a fine line between selling the cheapest shit you don't need for the highest price you don't have and weigh that out against possible backlash for selling a shit product. Apple doesn't sell quality products because they love you. They sell quality products because they found a great intersection of quality products, high prices and great publicity. It's working for them but they're constantly walking the tightrope, trying to keep the balance right.

And again, there's no love involved there. Every single time a Macbook or iPhone series turns out to have a widespread problem like a high pitched whine, keyboard imprinted on the screen, heat or GPU problems, Apple refuses to acknowledge there is a systematic problem until they can't possibly deny it anymore. At times it has taken more than two years for them to acknowledge a hardware problem. People go to the genius bar with a systematic problem and are told they're nuts. That is not showing respect towards your customers at all, let alone love.

We all suffer from partial Stockholm Syndrome because of these companies. They pimp us and we accept because we deserve that shiny new device and their marketing department is pretty damn convincing. But these companies should not go uncriticised if their 2500 bucks device can be rendered worthless by a piece of dust under the spacebar.

NB: I chose Apple as an example as they seem to have the most worshippers. Personally I have a Macbook and a Macbook pro and I think they're great products. I've had a keyboard imprinted on my Macbook Pro screen, which was a well known problem acknowledged by Apple and had it replaced and fixed in no-time. I've got the same thing with my Macbook but it's not acknowledged so I'd probably have to pay for that myself. WHERE IS THE LOVE IN THAT APPLE?

rkfg profile image

Absolutely love this comment. This is what companies truly are, especially the big ones. You can consider love talking about small indie companies but among big business sharks there's no place for compassion. It's all bout the money and only that. The only way to change them is voting with your wallet and getting bad practices heard. Paying them means you wholeheartedly agree with what they do and say. You can't pay part of the price if you mostly like it but not absolutely. And if you can't signal them with the price, all that's left is criticism and it has to be really loud for them to hear you. Nothing's gonna change from showing them respect and love, these things don't matter where money talks.