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Discussion on: Micro Frontends: a deep dive into the latest industry trend.

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Rahul Gaur

I had a similar experience based on what Scott described.
On my first job, which lasted for 7-8 months, I migrate 4 portals written in flask and Jinja built on top of OpenErp to AngularJS.
On one another project,I initially developed a video Q&A based social networking site in AngularJS, migrated it to AppShell architecture, which served SSR ejs templates from express server, we used jQuery intensively for all the interactions and single page look and feel.

Performance was mind blowing and learning experience was tremendous for me.

On my fourth job, Spent 3 years writing spa in angular1.x, decided to migrate to reactjs, however neither the management nor the time provided a luxury of creating a parallel team to migrate the whole product into reactjs or any modern spa framework.

I have described my journey of breaking down the monolithic spa into service oriented frontend here.

This approach has helped us significantly to iron some of the issues, such as develop, release and deploy each product vertical independently.

After implementation of this model,I have seen tremendous improvement in developing and delivering new applications in minimal cost and shortest time to market.

This approach has also made our front-end architecture agnostic to low level implementation details like UI library or framework such as react vs vue or if something better comes in the future.