DEV Community

Discussion on: Simpler = Better if it_gets_the_job_done

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer • Edited

ahhh yes you are right. Your comment finally made me go learn what "double-pipe equals" means in ruby 😄 so thank you!

pavelloz profile image
Paweł Kowalski

Glad i could help :)

The .presence thing is also a nice shortcut that I wish came to JS one day :)

thepeoplesbourgeois profile image

First off, great post! I was worried at first that "David" was going to be unnecessarily critical of your PR, but it's awesome that his comments brought you to a number of useful refactors, and even better that you shared what you learned to help other new developers 😁

There's a subtle gotcha case with the or-assign operator, but it shouldn't occur in the context of this loop: let's say you have

something = {some_boolean: false}

something[:some_boolean] ||= true

The or-assign operator will take the falsey value* at something[:some_variable] and replace it with true. Similarly, the &&= operator will reassign variables that are truthy* (useful for cases like when you want to update values in a hash, but only if they already exist … and aren't false 😅)

*Rubyists love expressing ourselves in almost-words. falsey and truthy describe values that the double-negative patten will cast as !!foo == false and !!bar == true, respectively.