DEV Community

Discussion on: How I Got an Internship in Software Development as a Computer Science student🎓

around25team profile image

"Company research is so important. You’re going to be asked to show your interest in the role you applied for and the company itself, so you’ll need to do a bit of research on them."
As a company investing a considerable amount of time in internship recruitment, yup, this definitely makes the difference. Not because we like to hear stuff about ourselves, but because it can spark conversations about goals, career, deeper motivations.
Something else you can take into consideration is learning GitHub and open-sourcing ANY project you have this way. GitHub is where you can showcase the kind of code you write and if it has potential. That's a huge differentiator at an interview (not just an internship one).

yusufcodes profile image

Really great insight into what companies are looking for. Thank you for sharing!