Awesome !!!
Article : Gooact
You can test it here: TestGooact
/* Gooact by SweetPalma, 2018. All rights reserved. */
(() => { 'use strict';
const createElement = (type, props, ...children) => {
if (props === null) props = {};
return {type, props, children};
const setAttribute = (dom, key, value) => {
if (typeof value == 'function' && key.startsWith('on')) {
const eventType = key.slice(2).toLowerCase();
dom.__gooactHandlers = dom.__gooactHandlers || {};
dom.removeEventListener(eventType, dom.__gooactHandlers[eventType]);
dom.__gooactHandlers[eventType] = value;
dom.addEventListener(eventType, dom.__gooactHandlers[eventType]);
} else if (key == 'checked' || key == 'value' || key == 'className') {
dom[key] = value;
} else if (key == 'style' && typeof value == 'object') {
Object.assign(, value);
} else if (key == 'ref' && typeof value == 'function') {
} else if (key == 'key') {
dom.__gooactKey = value;
} else if (typeof value != 'object' && typeof value != 'function') {
dom.setAttribute(key, value);
const render = (vdom, parent=null) => {
const mount = parent ? (el => parent.appendChild(el)) : (el => el);
if (typeof vdom == 'string' || typeof vdom == 'number') {
return mount(document.createTextNode(vdom));
} else if (typeof vdom == 'boolean' || vdom === null) {
return mount(document.createTextNode(''));
} else if (typeof vdom == 'object' && typeof vdom.type == 'function') {
return Component.render(vdom, parent);
} else if (typeof vdom == 'object' && typeof vdom.type == 'string') {
const dom = mount(document.createElement(vdom.type));
for (const child of [].concat(...vdom.children)) render(child, dom);
for (const prop in vdom.props) setAttribute(dom, prop, vdom.props[prop]);
return dom;
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid VDOM: ${vdom}.`);
const patch = (dom, vdom, parent=dom.parentNode) => {
const replace = parent ? el => (parent.replaceChild(el, dom) && el) : (el => el);
if (typeof vdom == 'object' && typeof vdom.type == 'function') {
return Component.patch(dom, vdom, parent);
} else if (typeof vdom != 'object' && dom instanceof Text) {
return dom.textContent != vdom ? replace(render(vdom, parent)) : dom;
} else if (typeof vdom == 'object' && dom instanceof Text) {
return replace(render(vdom, parent));
} else if (typeof vdom == 'object' && dom.nodeName != vdom.type.toUpperCase()) {
return replace(render(vdom, parent));
} else if (typeof vdom == 'object' && dom.nodeName == vdom.type.toUpperCase()) {
const pool = {};
const active = document.activeElement;
[].concat(...dom.childNodes).map((child, index) => {
const key = child.__gooactKey || `__index_${index}`;
pool[key] = child;
[].concat(...vdom.children).map((child, index) => {
const key = child.props && child.props.key || `__index_${index}`;
dom.appendChild(pool[key] ? patch(pool[key], child) : render(child, dom));
delete pool[key];
for (const key in pool) {
const instance = pool[key].__gooactInstance;
if (instance) instance.componentWillUnmount();
for (const attr of dom.attributes) dom.removeAttribute(;
for (const prop in vdom.props) setAttribute(dom, prop, vdom.props[prop]);
return dom;
class Component {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props || {};
this.state = null;
static render(vdom, parent=null) {
const props = Object.assign({}, vdom.props, {children: vdom.children});
if (Component.isPrototypeOf(vdom.type)) {
const instance = new (vdom.type)(props);
instance.base = render(instance.render(), parent);
instance.base.__gooactInstance = instance;
instance.base.__gooactKey = vdom.props.key;
return instance.base;
} else {
return render(vdom.type(props), parent);
static patch(dom, vdom, parent=dom.parentNode) {
const props = Object.assign({}, vdom.props, {children: vdom.children});
if (dom.__gooactInstance && dom.__gooactInstance.constructor == vdom.type) {
dom.__gooactInstance.props = props;
return patch(dom, dom.__gooactInstance.render(), parent);
} else if (Component.isPrototypeOf(vdom.type)) {
const ndom = Component.render(vdom, parent);
return parent ? (parent.replaceChild(ndom, dom) && ndom) : (ndom);
} else if (!Component.isPrototypeOf(vdom.type)) {
return patch(dom, vdom.type(props), parent);
setState(next) {
const compat = (a) => typeof this.state == 'object' && typeof a == 'object';
if (this.base && this.shouldComponentUpdate(this.props, next)) {
const prevState = this.state;
this.componentWillUpdate(this.props, next);
this.state = compat(next) ? Object.assign({}, this.state, next) : next;
patch(this.base, this.render());
this.componentDidUpdate(this.props, prevState);
} else {
this.state = compat(next) ? Object.assign({}, this.state, next) : next;
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return nextProps != this.props || nextState != this.state;
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
return undefined;
componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return undefined;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
return undefined;
componentWillMount() {
return undefined;
componentDidMount() {
return undefined;
componentWillUnmount() {
return undefined;
if (typeof module != 'undefined') module.exports = {createElement, render, Component};
if (typeof module == 'undefined') window.Gooact = {createElement, render, Component};
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