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Asad khan
Asad khan

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A New Tool In Town to Upgrade React Native Apps Called Flame AI

As React Native developers, staying up-to-date with the latest version of React Native is crucial for accessing new features, improvements, and ensuring the security of your mobile applications. However, the process of upgrading can often be challenging and time-consuming. In response Infinite Red Team (renowned for Ignite React Native boilerplate) came up with Flame AI which is a new Cli tool to upgrade your react native apps.
This CLI Tool uses the power of the GPT-4 language model, to streamline the React Native upgrade process.`
NOTE:- To Run Flame, Chat GPT-4 Token key and Node V18+ will be required.

Understanding the Challenge:

Upgrading React Native versions traditionally involves navigating through breaking changes, updating dependencies, and resolving compatibility issues. Recognizing these challenges, the Infinite Red team created a solution that not only simplifies the upgrade process but also leverages the capabilities of AI for a more advance approach.

How Flame AI Works

Flame AI still utilizes React Native Upgrade Helper which extracts the required changes from react-native-upgrade-helper and passes them to ChatGPT-4. Afterward, ChatGPT-4 understands Git diffs, enabling the AI to identify where to add or remove code. Let's get Started

npx flame --help

will list command and options that are available:

--from=[auto|]: The version to upgrade from. Defaults to the version specified in package.json.
--to=[auto|]: The version to upgrade to. Defaults to the latest version of React Native on NPM.
--interactive Run in interactive mode.
--list List the files that will be upgraded.
--only Only upgrade files that match this string.

In order to upgrade our React Native app, we can run the above command in the root of your React Native app, which will upgrade our app in one go. However, the recommended way is to use interactive mode, which will ask:

npx flame upgrade react-native


npx flame upgrade react-native --interactive --from=0.72.2 --to=auto --list

If you want to learn more about Flame Ai, Links are given below

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