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Discussion on: Accessibility

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Ashley Sheridan

The best documentation for fixing accessibility problems on the web is the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), specifically the 2.1 docs. Like you've noticed though, they can be a little difficult to comprehend for someone who is just starting to understand this field. I've tried to break down some of the more common problems with a top 10 list which should help you understand and fix them.

While a lot of the focus for web accessibility focuses on vision problems, like colour contrast, and screen readers, there's a whole lot more to it. So, for example:

  • A person with fine motor control issues (e.g. someone suffering from Parkinsons or Motor Neuron Disease) might have perfect eyesight, but be completely unable to use a mouse. Ensuring all core functionality is available via a keyboard would help them.
  • Someone who is deaf in one ear might struggle if speech audio is only available in one earphone (I've seen this happen before first hand). By adding captions, and ensuring that the audio is provided in stereo, you ensure these people can use your creation.
  • A person with a cognitive disorder might struggle with long, complicated blocks of text on a page. By shortening lines (both by word count and visually in width on the page) you make the text more easily read. You can also run your content through a Flesch/Kinkaid test which will gauge the complexity of the content.

With almost all improvements made to fix issues for people with disabilities, everyone else will also benefit in small ways. This effect is called the drop curb or curb cut effect. It's commonly seen with things like:

  • Captions - kids making noise while the TV is on, or forgot your headphones on the bus? Captions allow you to watch that latest episode without waiting until later.
  • Good colour contrast - besides benefitting those with colour or contrast loss vision issues, good contrast also benefits those in more exreme lighting conditions, like very high or low ambient light environments.
  • Keyboard access - ever tried to fill in a lengthy form using a mouse to move to each input field? It's a slow process, and far easier to tab across to each one. Good keyboard access and tabbing order makes forms easier for everyone.

Lastly, it's important to remember that disabilities are not on/off switches, and each person has a unique blend of permanent and temporary problems that can change day to day. Any fixes should attempt to take into consideration how well they will function against other problems.

It's a lot of work, but start at the beginning and make accessibility part of your development workflow. Eventually it becomes second nature in the same way that you might avoid using functionality XYZ because you know it doesn't work well on browser ABC. Things change over time, so it always helps to read up blog posts and articles where people cover various topics.