DEV Community

Discussion on: 6 useful frontend techniques that you may not know about

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Ashley Sheridan

The size of the request isn't the only issue. The whole HTTP request has a connection negotiation step before content is transferred which also takes time. On a slow connection (such as dialup or a lot of lower end mobile phone plans) or on one with high latency (for example, satellite connection where upstream requests are done via dialup). The number of extra HTTP requests is a big drain on performance, and ultimately that affects the accessibility of the content too.

Try testing your site/webapp out on a browser with a throttled connection and see how well it performs. You'll see that it's those extra requests which can really have the biggest impact. And when content isn't loaded by a specific time, you can run into all kinds of issues with document reflow, hidden or missing content, and in the worse case, errors caused by code which expects the content to already be there.

I'm not trying to crap all over things like Bootstrap or Font-awesome, but I'm saying it helps to be aware of the issues they can cause and not just the issues they solve.