DEV Community

Let’s Make the Tiniest Blockchain Bigger

Gerald Nash ⚡️ on July 26, 2017

Note: This article assumes you’ve read part one. The tiniest blockchain was extremely simple, and it was relatively easy to make. But, with its s...
hiway profile image
Harshad Sharma

I thoroughly enjoyed reading both posts and the source code as well. Thank you!

s3artis profile image
Matt Weingaertner

Thank you for the post. I wrote your example code in c# and it clearly helps me to understand this topic. Looking forward for your next post!

theajsingleton profile image
Alex Singleton

Hi Gerald, do y'all plan to release SnakeCoin Part-3 anytime soon? It's a tremendous tutorial- well done, and keep up the great work! Thanks. -Alex

kvbik profile image
Jakub Vysoký

really great explanation of the technology! thank you!

one question though> shouldn't the consensus be checking the proof-of-work validity?

willjones profile image
Will Jones

Great post!