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Discussion on: JavaScript Challenge

avalander profile image

I know the header says "Javascript", but this is really easy in Haskell (or any language that has built-ins for sorting and grouping collections)

import Data.List (sort, group)

groupFrequencies :: String -> [[Int]]
groupFrequencies = group . sort . map length . group . sort

isLucky :: String -> Bool
isLucky x = length freqs == 1 || isAlmostLucky freqs
    freqs = groupFrequencies x
    isAlmostLucky freqs = length freqs == 2 &&
                          length (last freqs) == 1 &&
                          head (head freqs) + 1 == head (last freqs)

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Sort the characters in the string: "abcabcb" -> "aabbbcc"
  2. Group characters: "aabbbcc" -> [ "aa", "bbb", "cc" ]
  3. Map outer list to length: [ "aa", "bbb", "cc" ] -> [ 2, 3, 2 ]
  4. Sort and group again: [ 2, 3, 2 ] -> [[ 2, 2 ], [ 3 ]]

If the outer array has length of 1, all characters appear with the exact same frequency and we have a lucky string.

If the outer array has a length of 2, the second element has a length of 1, and the element in the second array is one higher than any element in the first array, we have an almost lucky string.

avalander profile image

Of course, we can just implement the same algorithm in Javascript, we just need to implement a group function. In this case, I have implemented it as a reducer function so that I can use it in an array method chain.

const last = arr => arr[arr.length - 1]

const appendToLast = (arr, x) => {
  const lastElement = last(arr)
  return arr

const group = (prev, x) =>
  prev.length === 0
    ? [[ x ]]
    : last(prev)[0] === x
    ? appendToLast(prev, x)
    : [ ...prev, [ x ]]

// Everything above this line is because Javascript doesn't have group built in.

const length = arr => arr.length

const isAlmostLucky = groupedFreqs =>
  groupedFreqs.length === 2 &&
  groupedFreqs[1].length === 1 &&
  groupedFreqs[1][0] === groupedFreqs[0][0] + 1

const isLucky = str => {
  const groupedFreqs = str.split('')
    .reduce(group, [])
    .reduce(group, [])
  return groupedFreqs.length === 1 ||