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Renaldi for AWS Community Builders

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The dev:Ember Experience and the Creation of Merry Mindfulness

Recently, I had the honor of working alongside the AWS ANZ team in filming my dev:Ember project. In this post, I'll detail the whole inspiration and process that I had in creating the project, while answering any interesting questions I have been asked about it during the way.

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What is dev:Ember?
dev:Ember is hosted yearly by AWS in Australia and New Zealand and aims to ignite lively, enjoyable, and festive interactions on social media. This is achieved through a collection of videos showcasing developers, Community Builders, AWS Heroes, and staff members. These videos highlight creative methods used to unite friends and family during the holiday season using AWS's products and solutions. As someone who loves building for the community, I was thrilled to be able to participate in this and to contribute to the fantastic projects that were put out this year for it.

The Features of the App

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There are three main components of Merry Mindfulness:

  1. AI-Powered Therapist: Understanding that the holiday season can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and stress, Merry Mindfulness offers an AI therapist. This allows you to chat with an AI which bears close resemblance to a human therapist in chat, allowing you to vent out what you want to say and have that element of relatability reciprocated by the AI.

  2. Fitness and Nutritional Tips Suggester: The app addresses the common trend of holiday overindulgence. To combat this, Merry Mindfulness provides personalized fitness and nutritional advice, encouraging users to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As the user, you input some information the app requires and it will provide you with advice in return.

  3. Wellness Journal: A key component of the app is the wellness journal, designed to help users track their mental and emotional health daily, while being able to get sentiment analysis performed on the entries so users can keep track of how they feel each day. This feature is particularly crucial as studies indicate that journaling can lead to a 50% decrease in mental distress over a four-month period.

How did I come up with Merry Mindfulness?
According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, nearly 64% of people report feeling significant stress during the holidays. This stress is frequently compounded by a sense of isolation. The holiday season can accentuate feelings of loneliness, especially for those who are away from family or coping with loss.

The journey to create "Merry Mindfulness" was deeply personal and driven by my own observations and experiences during the holiday season. Over the years, I noticed a pattern that seemed to contrast sharply with the typical portrayal of holidays as solely joyous and festive times. I saw friends and family, and even experienced myself, the hidden stresses and emotional tolls that this season can bring. It was this realization that sparked the inspiration for the app.

The concept of an AI-powered therapist in Merry Mindfulness came from a place of empathy. Witnessing loved ones grappling with loneliness and stress during a time that's supposed to be filled with happiness, I felt a strong need to offer a solution. The idea was to create a compassionate, always-available virtual companion, providing a safe space for users to express their feelings and seek guidance.

My motivation for including fitness and nutritional tips was also rooted in personal observations. During holiday gatherings, I noticed the easy slip into overindulgence and the challenges of maintaining a healthy routine. Understanding that physical well-being is intrinsically linked to mental health, I wanted to offer users a friendly nudge towards healthier choices, helping them feel their best during the festive season.

The wellness journal feature of the app was inspired by my own experience with journaling. It has been a personal refuge for me, a way to navigate through complex emotions and stressful times. Learning about the scientific backing of journaling's benefits in reducing mental distress only reinforced my desire to incorporate this tool into the app, offering others a similar outlet for self-reflection and emotional processing.

With dev:Ember around the corner, I saw the perfect opportunity to create this wellness app and have it up in time for promoting better therapeutic solutions to those that need them, while encouraging more development to be done within this space, given how imperative it is to have proper health during this time.

The Tech Stack
I built the frontend of Merry Mindfulness with React.js and the backend powered by Node.js. For all the Generative AI aspects of the app (which mainly is based on the AI-powered therapist and the fitness and nutritional tips feature), I used Amazon Bedrock to provide the insights and enhance the experience that way, making it sound more human and personal. This helps to add that emotional touch which many need when they are getting through tough times during the Christmas season.

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For the journal, I then implemented sentiment analysis through using Amazon Comprehend, where I helped users keep track of how they were feeling through daily journal entries that they put in. This way, they can see how they are improving through the holiday season. The backend of all the data is then put in DynamoDB.

Initially it was done locally, but then I moved the backend and frontend to AWS, hosting each of the features' backend on a Lambda function, having routes /chat, /analyze-mood, and /get-advice. From all this, what was created was a very scalable architecture, where it is easy to build on existing features while providing the capability to add on additional features.

The mental aspect
To ensure that the emotional aspect and the relatability of the AI therapist can be maintained, the foundational model used is fine-tuned and trained based on mental health information and how counselors would speak to people. This helps to provide that environment of safety that users feel, as if chatting with an actual counselor.

The Creation of the Video
This was arguably the most fun part of the process. Coordinating with the AWS team in Sydney, I managed to get a filming time and place arranged for the web app. Together, we gathered around and spent a chunk of time on that day in planning out the video and just getting on to filming it. It was fun showcasing my interests while being able to tell my story through the filming.

The Security and Privacy Element
In the development phase of "Merry Mindfulness," prioritizing the privacy and security of users' data is of utmost importance. I am laying the groundwork to implement industry-best practices for data protection, keeping in mind the sensitive nature of the information shared within the app.

As part of the authentication of users around the app, I use Amazon Cognito to properly send through a JWT authentication token for every request being sent that requires authentication. This helps with ensuring that all actions that are taken by users are properly authenticated.

To ensure the confidentiality of user data, including chat interactions, wellness journal entries, and personal health information, I am incorporating end-to-end encryption. This will ensure that all data is encrypted before it leaves the user's device and remains so until it reaches the intended recipient. This process is crucial in preventing unauthorized access during transmission.

Another reason why I chose Amazon DynamoDB was because of its robust security features, including encryption at rest. This choice guarantees an additional layer of security, ensuring that user data stored in DynamoDB remains secure and private under stringent security controls.

I am also establishing strict access controls within our system. Access to user data will be highly restricted. Alongside this, I plan to implement strong authentication protocols, including multi-factor authentication (MFA), to further safeguard user accounts against unauthorized access.

I am committed to maintaining transparency with the web app's users. A comprehensive privacy policy will inform users about the nature of data collection and its usage. Consent will be a prerequisite for any data collection and processing, providing users with control over their information. Additionally, in instances where user data is utilized for research or improvement of the app, it will be fully anonymized to protect user identities.

Where to go from here
I'd certainly love to extend this project further. Some areas where I have already marked for further extension are in making the chat functionality smarter; being able to generate even better responses along with being able to react to certain situations, such as urgent situations in which someone requires dire assistance. In this case, for instance, a licensed counselor can be connected with the user, though this would require cooperation with agencies such as Beyond Blue who specialize in this.

Aside from that, I also want to create more community-based aspects on the app. The app could suggest local events or activities that align with users' interests, encouraging them to engage in social and physical activities, which are crucial for mental well-being. Furthermore, implementing moderated virtual support groups within the app can provide users with a sense of community. These groups can be organized around specific topics like managing holiday stress, dealing with loneliness, or sharing festive wellness tips.

Where can I try out Merry Mindfulness?
This will be released when the dev:Ember website is released by the AWS team. I am still polishing a few more stuff on the website before it comes out in production properly, but will be ready soon so keep an eye out for it!

What are my favorite vinyl records?

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This question has came up quite a bit after the production of Merry Mindfulness. Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" stands out for me due to its encouragement of the exploration of life's complexities, enveloping me in a soundscape that's both introspective and sonically rich. Joni Mitchell's "Blue" is another favorite, with its encouragement for honesty that delves deep into the human experience, inviting reflective listening. There are certainly more, but these are among the top for me. Each of these albums has the power to transport me to a place of deep reflection towards the holidays, making them invaluable in my collection.

The Takeaway just before Christmas
As we wrap up the journey behind creating "Merry Mindfulness," I want to leave you with a heartfelt takeaway that goes beyond just an app. The holiday season, with its lights and festivities, often masks the underlying challenges many of us face. It's a time that can magnify feelings of loneliness, stress, and anxiety. Through the creation of Merry Mindfulness, my aim was not just to provide a tool, but to open up a conversation about the importance of mental health during these times.

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I encourage you, as we enter this holiday season, to take a moment to check in with yourself. Remember, it's okay to feel overwhelmed amidst the holiday cheer. It's okay to seek support, whether it's through an app like Merry Mindfulness, a conversation with a loved one, or professional help. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and taking care of it is not a sign of weakness, but of strength and self-awareness.

Moreover, as we embrace the spirit of giving and kindness that defines the season, let's extend that warmth to those around us. Be mindful of friends, family, and even strangers who might be struggling. A simple act of kindness, a listening ear, or a message of support can make a world of difference to someone who is feeling isolated or stressed. We all have the power to be a light in someone's life during these festive times.

In conclusion, my hope is that Merry Mindfulness serves as a reminder that taking care of our mental well-being is crucial, especially during the holiday season. Let's make this time of year not just about celebration, but also about compassion, self-care, and mutual support. May your holidays be merry, mindful, and filled with genuine joy and peace.

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