I've been trying to fix a bug where I was making an http
call to my local host, to get list of categories. The host written in expressjs
had a middlewear
to check for country code in cookies
, before pinging a public URL to get country from IP address. (I was using the generous free tier of IPInfo.io). On client side everything worked perfectly well, since calling Http
from the browser wrapped the header with all cookies found on the same host.
The problem was on SSR
(Angular Universal
using ngExpressEngine
). When JavaScript is disabled, to test, fetching another URL is via xhr2
library. After digging for couple of days, it turned out, the library explicitly excludes cookies from headers, and throws error:
Refused to set unsafe header
Here is the code line in question.
if @_restrictedHeaders[loweredName] or /^sec\-/.test(loweredName) or
console.warn "Refused to set unsafe header \"#{name}\""
return undefined
'accept-charset': true
'accept-encoding': true
'access-control-request-headers': true
'access-control-request-method': true
connection: true
'content-length': true
cookie: true
cookie2: true
date: true
dnt: true
expect: true
host: true
'keep-alive': true
origin: true
referer: true
te: true
trailer: true
'transfer-encoding': true
upgrade: true
via: true
There is no check for withCredentials
, and someone already opened an issue about it years ago.
So until then, I can only fix this problem in one of two ways, both ugly.
- Use custom headers for these local calls.
- Let the local interceptor call a
function instead of anhttp
call. (I haven't figured this one out yet, but it looks promising).
Until then, keep those bugs out. 🪲
Top comments (2)
Is there a way to get Hostname with @angular/ssr?
yes of course, next Tuesday is my article on the new Angular ssr, and how to replace the old tokens provided by nguniversal. I hope that is what you were asking about