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Creating Event-Based Workflows With Azure Durable Functions

Aaron Powell on May 07, 2019

Durable Functions is an extension of the Azure Functions serverless stack that introduces state management and orchestration across functions witho...
mikhailshilkov profile image
Mikhail Shilkov

Hey Aaron, thanks for the tutorial!
I would be curious to know your opinion about my F# wrapper around Durable Functions:

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Aaron Powell

Interesting approach, I'll have a play and see about implementing the post demo using the package.

So far I haven't found Durable Functions too bad with F# (lack of tooling aside) so I haven't really tried to do anything particularly "F#-y" with it.

Biggest thing I miss going from C# to F# for them is the lack of nameof support to strongly type the calls, but I see you're doing that with Typed Activities, but the Activity.define then feels a bit like double-handling to me.

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Mikhail Shilkov

nameof isn't quite strong typing: you avoid the name typos, but still can pass anything as input and expect anything as output.

You are right about the double-handling: ideally, the tooling would make the actual Function definitions with calls to run automatically. For now, this would mean code gen, because attributes are required. Part of why I created this issue.