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Henry 👨‍💻
Henry 👨‍💻

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Best VS Code Python Extensions?

since doing my summer internship I've been converted from atom to VS Code for web dev. This newfound appreciation has led me to want to try to use VS Code for more than just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Prior to this point I'd used Atom for web dev, Pycharm for Python, IntelliJ for Java and Visual Studio for any .net stuff.

I've recently been trying to use VS Code for Python, I have installed the official Microsoft Python extension but honestly I've found the bare-bones features lacking, one annoyance is that you don't appear to be able to call functions in the python terminal like you can in Pycharm, another is lack of live error checking. Also, the experience has been quite buggy thus far (running python file in terminal often doesn't work). What extensions/tips can those of you that use VS Code for Python suggest to improve my experience?
Thanks 😁.

Top comments (7)

almenon profile image

Disclaimer: I'm the creator of it, so of course I think it's good :D

another is lack of live error checking

You can follow the stackoverflow answer below to get live error checking:

badrecordlength profile image
Henry 👨‍💻

Very cool, installed!

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao • Edited

Well if you are a student, Pycharm offers student license for free so it's should be alright.

If you are looking purely for VS code plugins you could head to Python Development in Visual Studio Code for realpython.

Do let me know if the experience is great as I'm currently using Pycharm, I might consider switching when it has a better debugger to like Pycharm.

badrecordlength profile image
Henry 👨‍💻 • Edited

As stated I already use Pycharm and have already done what realpython suggests.
I like using VS Code as it's so versatile and responsive/fast, everything feels quicker than many fully fledged IDEs. That said if you want the best feature rich experience for a specific language then it does seem so far that you'll get that with a tailored IDE like Pycharm over a more general text editor like VS Code. Also, though quicker to use VS Code seems to use the same amount or more RAM than Pycharm does, probably because it's Electron based.

natonathan profile image
Nathan Tamez

Use vim and debug, line by line by hand. Hahaha

Thread Thread
badrecordlength profile image
Henry 👨‍💻 • Edited

🤬🖕 (we're friends IRL its all good hahaha)

badrecordlength profile image
Henry 👨‍💻

Great list, thank you.