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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 3: Crossed Wires

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Christopher Kruse

Woo! Day 3 is in the bag. :D

I'm hosting my solutions on, and this one they don't let me finish calculating - I'm gonna have to look for some better optimization in order to let it finish within the resource boundary they set.

Anyway, I was able to handle the calculation locally and got the answers. I used the instructions to create sets of visited points, and then used set intersection to find the crossings. From there, it was finding either the minimum distance from the origin, or finding the minimum walk distance.

(ns aoc2019.day3
  (:require [clojure.string :as st]
            [clojure.set :refer [intersection]]))

(defn next-step
  [last-pos direction]
  (let [[x y] last-pos]
    (condp = direction
      \U [x (inc y)]
      \D [x (dec y)]
      \R [(inc x) y]
      \L [(dec x) y])))

(defn walk
  "Provide the list of coords passed when moving a direction"
  [current-path step]
  (let [direction (first step)
        distance (inc (Integer/parseInt (st/join (rest step))))
        start-from (last current-path)]
    (apply conj current-path (rest (take distance (iterate #(next-step % direction) start-from))))))

(defn all-wire-coords
  (loop [path [[0 0]]
         steps steps]
    (if (empty? steps)
      (rest path) ; remove initial [0 0] coordinate
      (recur (walk path (first steps)) (rest steps)))))

(defn p2019-03-part1
  (let [lines (st/split-lines input)
        wires (map #(all-wire-coords (st/split % #",")) lines)
        crosses (apply intersection (map #(into #{} %) wires))]
    (->> crosses
         (map (fn [[x y]] (+ (Math/abs x) (Math/abs y))))
         (apply min))))

(defn walk-distance
  [wires coord]
  (let [first-wire (first wires)
        second-wire (last wires)]
    (+ (inc (.indexOf first-wire coord))
       (inc (.indexOf second-wire coord)))))

(defn p2019-03-part2
  (let [lines (st/split-lines input)
        wires (map #(all-wire-coords (st/split % #",")) lines)
        crosses (apply intersection (map #(into #{} %) wires))]
    (->> crosses
         (map (fn [coord] (walk-distance wires coord)))
         (apply min))))