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Discussion on: What are your tips for avoiding burnout?

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Pavneet Singh Saund • Edited

This is a very personal topic, and there are many good answers to the discussion already. I'd like to add a little perspective, as someone who's experienced burnout.

Many refer to burnout as work-related, but there isn't a guarantee that's the source. Quite often work can be a contributing factor, and also a trigger, but the source of burnout can be some place else. This was the case with me. A combination of many factors. Personal health, diet, work-pressures, raising small children, an ill wife. Things many people deal with on a regular basis, but for me the pressure built up over time, and bubbled over.

The thing is it often happens to people that are passionate. People who care about the things they are doing that are also the source of that burnout. It's a double-edged sword.

It's like doing the right things for the wrong reasons.

My way back from burnout has been a long one, and I'd like to share some things I've learned that makes all of the difference, for me.

To recover from the initial incident, only one thing helped:
Disconnecting from all external commitments, and taking rest. Huge benefit for me was paid time away from work. A perk everyone has in Norway. Gardening became therapy for me in this period (not so much now 😉). Spending time with my family and children. Doing more things I wanted to vs had to.

After that initial "recovery" (I wasn't ready to start working) I found, and Embraced Empathy. This is a very personal one, but this has been a guiding principle in my life ever since I experienced burnout. Show empathy for myself has allowed me to show it to others. Reaching out to others has allowed me to show it to myself. It's a positive, self-enforcing cycle. which has built up my own resilience,

Other things played a major factor in the time since, and I tend to balance and weigh these practices differently based on actual needs:

  • Focus on your circle of influence. Not your circle of concern. This has been really powerful for me. When worried and concerned about things I cannot change, I feel helpless. Often REALLY outraged, but at the end of the day, I have no way of releasing that pressure. After I switched to focusing on the things within my control, I've seen my circle of control / influence expand & a greater sense of contentment.
  • Eat well and Move. Your mind and body play a key part in sustaining your brain. You don't need to be an athlete, but a simple 20 minute walk daily will work wonders. Also, a good diet will work wonders.
  • Practice mindfulness. This doesn't need to be meditation, but taking time out during the day to be aware of your motions. Try to act purposefully, instead of by habit.
  • Regular introspection. A mix of mindful mornings and journaling has helped me formulate thoughts and come to conclusions, which has allowed me to adjust course when I felt things weren't working.

There are more than enough points here to dig in to.
I've shared my story of burnout here, if you're interested: