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Discussion on: Which editor/IDE do you use and why?

bryannaegele profile image
Bryan Naegele

Spacemacs. Still learning it but I got sick and tired of Atom eating up multiple GBs of RAM and needing to crash or restart it every few hours. Yes, it's "probably a plugin" but I decided learning Spacemacs finally was worth more of an effort vs continuing to mess with it. Needed an excuse and got a good one.

hpathiraja profile image

Also switched to spacemacs. Pretty great so far!

lendkhoa profile image
Khoa Le

I also made the switch to spacemacs from vsc a few weeks ago and I have to say the experience is positively different =)

casen profile image

Me too. Long-time VIM user, but was wooed over to spacemacs because of evil mode. I really enjoy having the best of both worlds. Spacemacs is a lot more powerful than VIM in many ways, but it is a lot slower to load.

There are still some things missing for me, and some things I am still not sure how to do, maybe you know?

1) Easily switch between "frames" or "tabs"? In vim I would use tabs that had a collection of windows inside so I could easily create visual separation between coding tasks in the same project. I'm sure spacemacs can support this, but I have yet to figure out a good way to do it besides looking up previous buffers

2) Automatically kill text buffers that are not open. If I leave my computer on and do a lot of work across projects, I will accumulate a million buffers. I would rather this just pruned itself automatically

3) Project separation? I wish there was a simple way to setup my desired shell/window layout and have it work seamlessly when I switch projects. I work with a lot of micro services, and I have some node, some python, some pure front-end react, and I have different editing needs for each, and I need to have them all open in an editor at the same time. In VIM, I just used ITerm to create this separation for me, but it's proving difficult in spacemacs, which leads me to do half my work in the terminal, and the other half purely in spacemacs.

samspills_43 profile image
Sam Pillsworth

I'm also a spacemacs user, I might be able to help a little bit!

1) Look into layouts. It "comes for free" with the standard spacemac setup I believe. SPC l will get you to the main layouts menu. I think they function very similarly to tabs. I've saved a standard layout to a file, so I load it when I start spacemacs. (Mine is pretty simple, just a development tab and an org-mode/notes tab)

2) SPC b m will kill all buffers other than the one that is currently in focus. I am pretty sure that this WILL kill buffers that are open in other windows. My preference is to use SPC b b to open the buffer list, and select buffers that I want to kill with C-SPC (this select the buffer), then I can kill all selected buffers with M-D (alt shift d).

3) I'm not really sure what you mean here. You could set up a layout, and have different tabs for each of these editing environments? Unless you mean that you need a shell to run code/tests? Spacemacs can open shell buffers which might help, or you might want to look into layers with the functionality you need. I'm mainly a scala dev lately, and the spacemacs scala layer has great sbt support so I can run tests very easily for whatever buffer I'm in, and changing projects is painless.