DEV Community

Discussion on: Stop setting the language of your website based on user location

bengreenberg profile image
Ben Greenberg

I see what you're saying, but it quickly loses its romanticism once you permanently move to a country where you are not fluent in the primary language and you have to do that every single day countless times a day. :)

Even if we strive to learn the native language, as we should if we are living there full-time, sometimes (often) you want to just get the info on the net you need quickly. Your whole life and every second in it doesn't need to be a language lesson.

thiagomgd profile image
Thiago Margarida

Also, if you are logged on Google, let's say, and you want that immersion, you can just change your google settings to French. But while your settings are to English, why disrespect it?

enlguy profile image

This, almost exactly what my thoughts are.