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Discussion on: Big useEffect mistake

benhammondmusic profile image
Ben Hammond

Your article and this comment go into great depth what not to do, but as a react newbie I’m still not sure how to handle nested objects in state. Should I break them apart and manage each sub item of an object or array as individual variables?

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aslemammad profile image
Mohammad Bagher Abiyat

Thanks, I appreciate that. The thing that I should say, is that don't worry. when it's too big, split it, or maybe use a good state-management library like jotai and zustand, or server-state-management library like react-query.

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nibtime profile image

if you are just learning React, I can really recommend zustand as a first state manager, because I feel zustand is what unopinionated useState actually should have been in the first place.

jotai (which is very similar to recoil) is great too. It provides a great solution to the state management problem, just in a different way. If you have an FP background, jotai will feel natural right away, if not going with zustand will be easier I suppose.

when I learned React, I went with plain useState, because Redux was too much for me. But as I progressed I always had the feeling there's something is missing but couldn't really tell what it was.

And it has something to do with deeply nested state: useState doesn't deliver good answers for that, and then something like the JSON.stringify hack pops up. You know you shouldn't do it, but what else should you do?

zustand provides a good solution for that. It allows you to define a possibly very deep object structure and a setter for deep partial updates. You do that outside of React with a create function that will provide you a hook to use the structure and the setter inside React components. This hook gives you the ability to [select slices of that state] as you need them.

When you think about dependencies of useEffect and large, deeply nested object structures, ideally you would like to say "collect n primitive values from somewhere in the structure and return them as an array I can pass to useEffect".

And you exactly say that with the "state array picks" of zustand.

I hope this can help you a little on your React journey.

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aslemammad profile image
Mohammad Bagher Abiyat

Great explanation!

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benhammondmusic profile image
Ben Hammond

Thanks to you both! I’ll check these out once I move beyond the simple apps I’m playing with now. I heard an interview with the guy behind React Query on and it sounded like it solved a lot of these problems and more. To the google I go!