DEV Community

Discussion on: Longtime devs: Have you rekindled your love of coding after losing the spark at any point in your career?

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Bernard Baker

I've been programming for many years. But I've never lost the spark. Even when I've felt that feeling of not that project again 😭, what needs to changed? A new feature, an edge case bug?

What am I saying that's totally losing the spark ⚡. I think it bares down to loving what you do. Rekindling my love of programming, well it's a beautiful relationship.

Even when I was asked if I wanted to pursue management. Or work in integrations. I stuck with it.

And coding has become so much more fun nowadays with more of a social aspect to it. Less people out there don't know what you're talking about when you saw AWS, HTML, or APP.

So to answer your question. Yes ❤️.