DEV Community

Discussion on: Development Collaboration is Complete Bullshit

bfuculsion profile image
Benjamin Follis

I find that's usually the case for all but the simplest features or bug. That's why there's so many "spike stories" before actual work gets going. All that's just extra work to keep bookeeping which is better served by asking the question "How much time is this worth to you" to the stakeholders.

csgeek profile image

I think you might be intermixing bad management with processes. There's nothing wrong with Spikes and Standups when done correctly.

I do want to sync up with my team and spend 15 minutes to see where everyone is at. I do not want to spend an hour every day going in circles about things that are no relevant that should be taken offline.

I find Spikes to be very useful, we're exploring a new technology you want to do a spike and maybe a POC before jumping in head first.

Just my 2 cents.

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bfuculsion profile image
Benjamin Follis

I don't have a problem with spikes in the agile process, its that the agile process is just using them as an accounting trick. The majority of the time, you can't figure out how deep you are, before trying to do it. The spike is just a "lets implement it and call it reasearch" at that point.

Standups are a waste of time. Seeing where every one is at once a day isn't super useful. Things rarely go to plan, and I wan't to know what the status of the story is, when I need to know it. The bad management of letting it drag on for an hour just increases the pain. Also I've YET to find a team that implements standups properly, probably because the definition of what a "proper" standup is fluid.