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Discussion on: Traits of great software developers

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

Yes but ....holy mao, you are scaring the new developers away, putting too much pressure.

This is a great list but is like saying you have to stick with the Bible, being Zen, applying socialism and run a startup while working at a big corporation.

For the readers: Depending on your environment (from peers to the country) many of them could be impossible or hard to achieve. Try to see these kind of articles as a "perfect world to strive for", not as a mandatory mantra that every successful developer applies it every day.

carlhembrough profile image
Carl Hembrough

Hi Adrian thanks for your reply. I realise it was a mistake to tag this post as a beginner subject, as some of it may be too heavy for newcomers. I was thinking that it would be useful for beginners to see things to strive for that were not just technical. Thanks for the feedback - I have removed the beginner tag

I totally agree that not every point may be applicable to some environments, and that they are not mandatory to be successful. I usually notice a few of the traits stand out in people, but rarely do you see all of them in one person.

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

I agree, once you get the hang out of it, spending a few hours in an office you can notice the differences between "great developers" and the ones who are just there for "the job". They both are doing their job, but the first kind want to keep improving everything (themselves, their peers, their project) by changing everything (workflows, procedures, technologies, skills used ...).

A balance there always is, you cannot help everyone, be funny and still professional and do your tasks in the same time. So even if someone can have most of the skills, they don't apply to each situation, each day.

Future/new developers, don't worry, we are humans, we have bad days, we do mistakes.

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carlhembrough profile image

You've made good points. Definitely, there is always a balance to be had. It may seem like some of the ideas contradict each other because of that balance. Like you say, there is right time and place for some things. Doing these things in the wrong situation could easily make you the opposite of great. :)

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

I think it is implicit that being perfect is impossible. But what I have found over time is that as you journey through life, you can "collect" these attributes piece by piece. Usually through experience and learning the hard way why they are important.

I take this post as a sort of list of places you want to have visited by the time you come back from your journey.