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Getting started with flask

What I have learnt and gained since day one;

Let me begin by thanking Lux-academy for this great opportunity that was given to me and to us as a whole.
Sincerely speaking this bootcamp has further enlightened me about the real world. And it has really made theory at university practical. Thanks to LuX-academy and in particular thanks to the Instructor-Haruna for the tireless effort given in!

What I have learnt.

  1. Python basics
  2. Use of GitHub
  3. A clue on the data-types and algorithms

Python basics:

Under this I have learn a lot of things which among others include the following;
Exactly what python is, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets and extra.

Use of GitHub.

I have atleast known how to have my work on GitHub from my local machine. I have also got used to use of commands which looked hard and complicated before joining the bootcamp! Lux-academy thanks!

Getting started with flask.

Flask is a web framework that provides libraries to build lightweight web applications in python. It is developed by Armin Ronacher who leads an international group of python enthusiasts (POCCO).

Flask is a web framework that provides libraries to build lightweight web applications in python. It is developed by Armin Ronacher who leads an international group of python enthusiasts (POCCO). It is based on WSGI toolkit and jinja2 template engine. Flask is considered as a micro framework.

How about WSGI and Jinja2 template??

What is WSGI?

It is an acronym for web server gateway interface which is a standard for python web application development. It is considered as the specification for the universal interface between the web server and web application.

What is Jinja2?

Jinja2 is a web template engine which combines a template with a certain data source to render the dynamic web pages.

Flask Environment Setup

To install flask on the system, we need to have python 2.7 or higher installed on our system. However, we suggest using python 3 for the development in the flask.

Install virtual environment (virtualenv)

virtualenv is considered as the virtual python environment builder which is used to create the multiple python virtual environment side by side. It can be installed by using the following command.

$ pip install virtualenv  
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