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Bilal Sadiq
Bilal Sadiq

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#2 Understanding Variables, Input and Output: C++ and DSA

Last blog we studied the introduction to C++. In this blog post, we'll be studying about variables, how to take input from the user and how to dispaly the output and how they form the building blocks of C++ progrms.

What are variables?

Variables are conainers that hold data in a program. they act as placeholders for storing information that can be manipulated and used through out the program's execution. In C++, variables must be declared beforethey are used. A declaration specifies the data type of the variable and the name of the variable.
Syntax and examples for variable declaration:

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Once the variables are declared you can assign values to it using assignment operator "=":

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Beside assigning values to the variables manually, one can take them as input from the user, which is discussed below.

Input in C++:

Getting input from the user is a basic requirement in many programs. This can be done using "cin" stream available in C++.
To get input from the user you need to include the header file "isotream" in your program as shown below :

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Example of taking input using "cin" stream :
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This will show the Output as:
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In this example, the program prompts the user to enter marks, reads the input using "cin", and then displays the entered value using "cout".

Output in C++:

Output in C++ is achieved using the cout stream. It is used to display information to the console.

Example demostrating Output in C++:

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Output from the above code:
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In this example, the program outputs the values of variables marks, cgpa, and grade to the console.

This was all for today. Next we will be seeing the Operators in C++.
Happy Coding!

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