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Discussion on: Elegant patterns in modern JavaScript: Ice Factory

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Bill Sourour • Edited

Thanks for the feedback.

YDKJS is a great series of books which I have read and would recommend for sure. The author has generously made the entire thing available for free on github.

Hopefully, it comes through in this article (and its predecessor) that I am not claiming to have "invented" these patterns.

I give credit here to Crockford on the Object.freeze formulation but, of course, the idea of a Factory goes back to the original Gang of Four patterns and the idea of a Factory Function has been prominent in JavaScript programming for as long as I can remember. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants.

As for static type checking and Typescript. While it can be helpful at design time, it's completely absent at runtime because – as you pointed out – it just transpiles into JavaScript. So, it doesn't absolve you from having to code defensively for runtime input.

There is also – as I think you eluded to – a great deal of misunderstanding about what TypeScript is and how it works. TypeScript does not give you static types in JavaScript because JavaScript is not capable of static typing. So, TypeScript uses structural types which is just a formalization of duck typing.

Erirc Elliot's article on TypeScript is worth a gander for an interesting discussion of the cost/benefit of TypeScript and similar tools.