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Discussion on: Would a peer review process improve

biomathcode profile image
Pratik sharma

I would say that giving articles beginner, intermediate and advanced tag would work better, something that the writer has to specify.

Peer review is more suitable for a magazine or a publication. What we can have is bigger Publication on such as web_development or towards data science, like how medium works.

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster

The thing is that peer reviews as a technique are not perfekt but have a great tradeoff between effort and outcome which is why I would not restrict them per se to scientific publictations.

biomathcode profile image
Pratik sharma

Scientific research papers are written with a lot of effort in them. I can takes month or years to make write a research paper. Whereas that can not be compared with the technical articles that can be published in like 1 to 2 hours on

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jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster

So not true I wrote my last article over weeks, because this is sometimes the time that's necessary for in-depth articles. articles written in two hours often contain few value. If I want minimal pieces of information I go on Twitter. On dev I expect something to learn.
I am staying at point.