DEV Community

Discussion on: Which tools are you using for CI and why?

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Boris Jamot ✊ /

I formerly used (and administrated) my own Jenkins instance, mostly because at this time, there was no credible alternative.

I used it to build a PHP app, to deploy it on a staging server, and to run integration tests.

Now, my company hosts a gitlab community edition instance, and that's a big step forward compared to Jenkins. Now I have not only a CI tool, but also a git host, an issue tracker, a kubernetes instance, a mattermost instance, and this is all connected!

Of course, this is not specific to gitlab, but this kind of environment is a big improvement in a dev life. If by pipeline as code you mean having a file that describes the pipeline in the codebase, yes, I have it (.gitlab-ci.yaml).

The only drawback is that I'm dependent of the support team for the plugins.