
Bogdan Alexandru Militaru
Bogdan Alexandru Militaru

Posted on • Originally published at on

Access EC2 without pem file with with username and password

Sometimes you need to grant permissions to someone else and maybe you don’t want to share the .pem file. By default, the ssh access is granted through a .pem file by Amazon EC2.

  1. You can create your own user and access the server using a password. In order to set up this, firstly first let’s login on the server as usual
$ ssh -i pem_file.pem ubuntu@ec2-
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  1. Create a new user
$ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/USERNAME -g root USERNAME
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  1. Add a password
$ sudo passwd USERNAME
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  1. Add users to sudoers
$ sudo visudo
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Here you need to add the following line

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  1. Enable the access by password through ssh
$ vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
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Here you need to search PasswordAuthentication from no to yes.

  1. Restart ssh
$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
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  1. Connect to the server using the new user
$ ssh USERNAME@ec2-
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This is all.

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The post Access EC2 without pem file with with username and password appeared first on boobo94.

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