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Boris Dzhingarov
Boris Dzhingarov

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Top 7 online threats: be ready to prevent them!

34% of incidents concerned with the risk of data security in organizations occur due to the fault of their leaders (including top-managers). At the same time, frontline employees are guilty of 65.7% data leaks, whereas only 0.3% of similar cases fall to the share of third-party contractors.

However, as a rule, confidential data are shared by dishonest employees with third parties in the form of hand-outs (35% of all cases). This kind of leakage is dangerous as well because people make use of it with malice aforethought.

Nevertheless, the main threat to the companies' data is cyber fraud today.

Over the last 3 years, the information about cybercrime has been highlighted too frequent. Big companies fall victim to cyber attacks quite often. Moreover, the attacks become more advanced and smart. Taking into consideration this situation, it is recommended to be well-informed about the ways to stand against digital adversaries and prevent data leakage.

Currently, big, mid-sized, and small organizations suffer from 7 types of threats.

Get to know about them before it is too late!

Threat #1

The main threat today is ransomware. The owners of mid-size and small business mistakenly reckon that this problem would never bother them, as hackers are interested in attacks on big companies in view of the possible sum of ransom. However, it is greyware for organizations of any type.  

Threat #2

Phishing is also a problem today. Potential victims receive emails from 'banks' with the request to share information about a banking account. In this context, it is offered to click the provided link and fill in the form. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of phishing attacks are people with poor knowledge and skills on the Internet.

At the same time, many hackers repeat the same mistake – grammar!

Threat #3

It sounds rather surprising, but IoT devices are at risk. There is the case when numerous websites and platforms in Europe and the USA brake down in view of a hacking attack on IoT gadgets.

Here's how it has happened…

Crackers created a botnet on the basis of IoT gadgets. In its turn, it generated the attack. As a result, in view of insecurity of some devices (such as printers, fridges, etc.), they became the target of such an attack. Besides, there is a case when a casino was hacked through an aquarium. It sounds fantastic, isn't it?

Threat #4

It is almost impossible today to find a person who would not possess a smartphone. And this is not surprising, as these smart gadgets make our lives easier and work – more convenient. Notwithstanding numerous alerts, people show a negligent attitude to the security of their smartphones and therefore use public Wi-Fi hotspot, which makes the gadgets vulnerable to malicious software and viruses.

Threat #5

Another threat for organizations is the cloud storage. Then again, in this case, the data security is in the provider's pocket. However, it is recommended to use some tools for data encryption. A VPN service is a not bad variant to do it, as it makes all your traffic ciphered and therefore protected (study Best VPN rating to know about the best tools).

Threat #6

It is common knowledge that many companies use open source software. On the one hand, it promotes the development of e-commerce and allows selling goods online. But on the other hand, it makes companies vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Threat #7

And finally, advanced persistent threats (APT) are a bane of modern companies. APT takes place when imperceptible entry to a server is observed. The biggest problem is that data theft occurs in a hidden way for quite a long period of time.

As you see, it is necessary to take all reasonable precautions to protect your business.

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