DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you code Games?

bradtaniguchi profile image

I took a class in college where we built a Unity 3D powered game. At the time Unity still supported JavaScript, which we used as it was slightly easier then C#. Since the semester is roughly 3 months, we all had to build our own game in 3 months using some helper scripts the professor provided us.

I loved this class, as it was one of the few classes where I could program my heart out. However, it made me realize how much work it takes to build any game.

My game was a first person adventure game set on the moon. It had the usual adventure game elements where you get stuff, then can progress to other parts of the map, then finally escape after fighting an alien. The game was easily beaten in under 5 minutes if you knew were to go. When I was presenting the game at the end of the class people finished the game before I finished presenting haha.

The game was pretty rough, there were a few fun bugs, it was very crude in a lot of aspects, and yet it took tons of work.

The experience was great, but it ultimately made me realize that building games is not that much fun haha. The amount of work required to even build a simple game is a lot more then I usually have in me for a side project!

PS. I wish I had the source code, and link to the game, but I lost the code a while back (it was before I used git :'( ) and the unity engine no longer works, so the game has been lost, but the experience hasn't :)